Sunday 17 August 2014


Ive only just started doing this again,
life is busy and crazy, Im in the middle of moving house (I have 2 weeks til we are out) and then living in one place for 3 months or less than moving back (yay for my Landlord deciding to renovate our house lol).

Reuben is almost 11 months old and managed to cut two teeth in under 24 hours (his first two, both front lefts one top, one bottom), he is funny and wild, he loves stirring his brother and finding mischief to get into,
he is adorably cute but a real rogue, he makes me smile every day and sometimes makes me think I may go crazy.

he adores his brother and animals, he is so very different to his brother, he is not a fussy eater and is a little bit shy,
If anyone talks to him he snuggles his head into my shoulder and hides, he has a massive temper and you know it when things are not going his way.

he is adorable and funny, makes me laugh every day with his antics.

Quincy is four, four is a tough age as he's wanting more independance and wanting to do most things himself but he also seems to be trying to stretch the rules and limits, trying to find out where he fits in life,

he is stubborn and strong willed, determined and loving.
He can be quite emotional and is prone to tears about the slightest thing which can be quite frustrating to me,
he adores his baby brother but at the same time can be overbearing and to rough with him,

he is sweet natured though, always insists on sharing his things with me, he loves spider man and has just started to develop an interest in numbers, letters and his name <3

this is where I hope to share our life.